
License 2 Smile

License 2 Smile / Julia Harris / Speaker
Buffalo, NY

At the age of 9, Julia Harris suffered a brain injury which left her with significant physical and cognitive disabilities. She had to relearn the simple tasks of how to swallow, eat, talk, move, think, and walk again - some of which she is still working on today.

For the past 19 years, Julia has continued to go to therapy each day with a smile. Her contagious smile is a reflection of her positive attitude, courage, and persistent determination. Her disabilities do not define her.

Now she has chosen to be a motivational speaker to enhance the lives of others by sharing her inspirational story of positivity and perseverance. She has spoken to over 5,000 people including peers, community organizations, corporate staff/leadership, conference attendees, school administrators, educators, students, at employee training sessions, and to sports teams and medical professionals.

Get your License 2 Smile by learning, from Julia, how to approach each and every day with a smile and be inspired to make a difference in your own life and others. Everyone can benefit from Julia’s message that

It all starts with a smile. Let Julia Harris show you the way to living your life with a smile.