

Sujeet Desai / World Class Musician
Buffalo, NY


Sujeet Desai is an accomplished musician born with Down syndrome. Sujeet plays seven instruments. Bb and Bass clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Violin, Trumpet, Piano & Drums. In June 2001 he graduated from high School with honors and in May 2003 from the Berkshire Hills Music Academy in Massachusetts after two-year residential Post-secondary study in Music and Human services. Sujeet travels worldwide to do inspirational solo music performances and self-advocacy workshops.

After the graduation he worked as a teacher’s aide for a music department in an elementary school. He taught music & basic computer skills to adults in Day Hab. programs in Buffalo. Currently he plays his music in community churches, nursing homes, senior centers, hospitals to bring joy to those away from home and family .He is a member couple community bands .Sujeet enjoys independent living in his own home with some support.

In 1998, when Sujeet started to volunteer his entertainment the overwhelming response received from his audience led to his decision to make music his career. His highest musical achievement was “Carnegie Hall Debut” on May 20th, 2015 with standing ovation. May 2016 was hired by an audition to play in a swing band with 13 exceptional International musicians for 2017 Rio Paralympics commercial " We R Super Humans".As a motivational self-advocate a President’s award in Singapore in year 2000. Since 2000 he has performed in over 40 states, and 15 countries. Sujeet is a recipient of 18 International and numerous National awards & Honors for his music and self-advocacy. (List included)

Two documentaries were done on Sujeet’s life and had many TV & newspaper interviews. He is been featured in the wall street journal, New York Times, aired on the National TV shows “the View”. “20/20”, “Oprah Winfrey”, WCNY public channels and much local TV news. He was honored by NDSS as National spokesperson for Down syndrome and was published in 40 magazines nationwide as THE TRAVELER to raise awareness of Down syndrome campaign. Sujeet is as an Ambassador of Down Syndrome International (DSI) based in London , Global Down Syndrome Foundation ( GDSF) from Denver ,CO. New York Best Buddies International as well few other disability organizations in US.